Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Little Town that Can...

There are banners on the lamp posts up and down Main Street among other streets in Hamlet that state quite simply, "The Little Town That Can".  These banners follow the Season's Greetings banners that ended 2010, and signal that 2011 is here and ready to be conquered, not endured.  I'd so like to add an explanation point at the end of that line because I LOVE a can do attitude from people, communities, small towns and even from my little special needs rescue dogs and kitties.  I also believe it's very fitting that these banners are displayed on lamp posts designed to light our paths during the evening and our darkest hours.  It's difficult to walk a path of any type without light, or a can do confident sure footed attitude. The two totally go hand 'n hand in my humble opinion.

There are times, though, when one's attitude or the ability to walk that path to a destination depends on other peoples' assistance, focus and attitude and/or cooperation and enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm is a fluid thing, and it can wane at times by the shear lack of another's cooperation and enthusiasm.  Waning enthusiasm is an un-fun condition, quite honestly, I've been in lately, and I don't care for it one little bit.

Anyone who really knows me, knows that I'm a very enthusiastic person pretty much by nature.  Probably even more so since Epilepsy became a part of my life, although, I do have to temper my enthusiasm with wisdom, unfortunately, when the occasion calls for it.  Which translates to the fact that there is a very realistic side to me, too!

I'm also the type of person who can easily see the big picture and the little details that either make or break the picture.  Or, can derail a project or hamper a goal.  I have no problem keeping the prize in mind, nor the steps to make it happen, but when those steps are stumbled by others, it's not fun.  If it's something truly worthwhile, keeping the vision isn't hard, but the getting there sometimes create challenges someone bigger than me must move.  As much as it distresses me to admit that, it's true.  In fact, I've been chastised for having too much enthusiasm at times and not buying into a negative frame of mind.  And criticized for allowing a project to languish, much to my dismay.  But, you know what, I'm not taking blame where it's not due, and I'm not planning to change my positive attitude.  The world doesn't revolve around me, thankfully.  However, I have discovered that in dealing with certain things regarding Hamlet, the luster of my enthusiasm can in fact lose some of it's sheen.  Again, it just reinforces my thoughts about right timing.  Everything in life comes down to the right timing.  God is either in it, or He's not.  I want the version where He is, and there are times that means a dose of reality has to be digested that can stifle the shear fun out of a project, or goal... for awhile.

So, those are a few reasons it just overjoyed me to see "The Little Town That Can" banners flapping in the wind, behind trees and power lines.  And out in the open on their own with their all important message.  A powerful, but simple message highlighted and beaming out as sun rays broke through to shine upon them amidst a darkening sky overhead filling up with storm clouds. It was such an apropos reminder for me, personally.  A reminder I needed -- one that boosted my spirits.

In Hamlet, to me the banners signify a reflection of the visionaries who are working to make positive things happen on behalf of Hamlet.  As well as to move Hamlet forward in putting it on the map as a railfan/train enthusiast/history loving tourist venue, in order to improve the economy for the residents who make Hamlet their home.  To make it a warm welcoming place for all -- residents, and visitors alike.  

There are all kinds of signs per sé along Main Street that progress is happening. Merchants have jumped on the band wagon in making their locales more appealing and in line with the way Hamlet appeared in its heyday.  The city is getting into the act by painting new handicap parking spaces and preparing for Spring's arrival.  In a future entry, I'll be sharing some photos of various store fronts and other signage (and signs) along Main Street that reflect some recent hands on loving care and attention.  But right now, I'm going to keep this post on topic and simple by sharing a few photos I snapped recently of the banners.

During the daylight hours the message "The Little Town That Can" beams out admist a blend of sunshine, storm clouds and blue skies.

Everything depends on perspective.  At least I think so.  In this shot the physical perspective (or angle) tricks ones eye into thinking that the lamp post and message "The Little Town That Can" is above Main Street's skyline, with the Lackey Building being the marker point.  In actuality, of course it isn't, and anyone viewing this photo will know that, but I'm surely hoping the prevailing attitude is one that reflects the message the banners displays.  The example above is a little hard to read, so it's a case where one must look a little deeper and a little closer.  Not at the banner, but in one's mind to hold on to the positive message that's been reflected above in other photos (or, in this entry, or while visiting Main Street).

I'll be closing with this one because this one means a great deal to me.  Why?  Because it's in front of the Stinson Building aka "the white" building which sits directly west of the Hamlet Historic Depot & Museum.  Soon it will become the home of Hamlet's new Visitor's Center and will be another annex to "our" museum.  I say "our" because I'm on the board of the directors for the museum and am also a volunteer as many of you know. It's one of my forever heart string ties to Hamlet, which ties back to the reason for this blog.  The Stinson Building rehabilitation is yet another project that the esteemed historical preservation architect, David E. Gall, AIA will be guiding.  For Hamlet and everyone else, that's a GOOD GOOD thing!!

That's it for now...